
Showing posts from February, 2018

The Church Age Foreshadowed in the Feeding of the 5000

As I was reading through John recently, and the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand jumped out at me as a foreshadowing of the church age.  May the Holy Spirit guide this exploration and make any necessary corrections.  Let's reread the story. John 6:1-14 (NIV) Some time after this,  Jesus crossed to the far shore of the Sea of Galilee (that is, the Sea of Tiberias), 2 and a great crowd of people followed him because they saw the signs he had performed by healing the sick. 3 Then Jesus went up on a mountainside and sat down with his disciples. 4 The Jewish Passover Festival was near. 5 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” 6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do. 7 Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!” 8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s bro